Tell us what challenges you are currently experiencing, and we will set up a call to talk about ways that we can help you navigate forward.
Phone: (207) 831-8319
Mailing Address: PO Box 250,
So Freeport, ME 04078
Tell us what challenges you are currently experiencing, and we will set up a call to talk about ways that we can help you navigate forward.
Phone: (207) 831-8319
Mailing Address: PO Box 250,
So Freeport, ME 04078
Co-founders and Board Chairs of The Tri-Town Track and Field Project and The Freeport High School Scholarship Foundation.
“We have worked with Stephanie Paine on two recent projects in our community of Freeport, Maine: The Tri-Town Track and Field Project, a $4,000,000 project to build a turf field and competition track and the Freeport High School Scholarship Foundation, a $2,000,000 project to provide scholarship opportunities for graduates of Freeport High School for post-secondary education.
Stephanie has been involved as a Board member for both of these projects from the start. She is smart and is an excellent strategic thinker and planner, helping to craft the approach to the school community, the town and the community at large in an upbeat and friendly way. She is key in the prospect identification and solicitation of donors. She is willing to take on extra tasks and can always be relied upon to follow through to their completion. At Board meetings she helps to keep the group on task. Stephanie is direct but always friendly and positive.
Not only is she a highly effective board member, she is fun to work with and has a great sense of humor.”
Stephanie Paine
PO Box 250
So Freeport, ME 04078
(207) 831-8319